Xillion Recap 2022

Xillion by ProjectX
5 min readDec 31, 2022


Hey Xillionaires!

It’s the last day of 2022 and we wanted to provide you with a quick recap of the year, as well as a look ahead into the future!

It was a tough year for the market, with almost every stock or token significantly decreasing in value. Many multi-billion dollar companies went out of business, and thousands of small projects also closed their doors. It was a bear market, but as the saying goes, a bear market is the best time to build. We fully believe in this, and have been focusing on building our products during this time.

One of the major events for Xillion in 2022 was our strategic pivot to adapt to the new market conditions and provide value to our token holders. As a result, we became an incubator and private equity firm. Our main focus is on building products, growing them, developing them, generating revenue, listing them on the secondary market, raising new rounds, or completing M&A so that investors can make a profit.

We don’t operate like many regular incubators that just write small checks to hundreds of companies and hope that some of them will grow. This approach has a high chance of failure, so we’ve adopted a private equity and venture capital approach instead.

This means we build projects from scratch and create synergy between them. We combine the VC and PE approach by growing the value of the companies and managing investor capital. We act as both investors and founders to amplify the results. The XIL token is central to all of our projects, as we're building an ecosystem, not just single products, where the potential synergy between them is key.

Our goal is to build the largest tokenized VC and PE firm in the market, and to provide people all over the world with access to great early-stage deals.

Currently, our incubator has 5 projects, including the platform itself:

1. L2E : Web3 EdTech Platform (Edutainment Style)

  • Completed quizzes with Polygon, Gate.io, and many others.
  • $750 made by every user for the past 3 months by learning about blockchain projects.

2. Hedge: AI-Powered Asset Management Platform

  • AI-powered asset management platform.
  • Annualized ROI of 155% with a conservative risk model and built-in full insurance option.
  • More than $1MM of pre-committed capital from institutional investors.

3. All Set: NFT-based Real Estate Platform

  • NFT-based Real Estate Platform.
  • Strategic partnerships with multi-billion real estate developer, and $5 MM of real estate in inventory.

4. Amplifi: Social Media Platform that Turns Influencers Into an Asset Class

  • 30 influencers with a total of 50 MM followers currently signed up.
  • Amplifi generates 2 billion views every month across TikTok, YT, and IG.

5. Xillion.one: Tokenized incubator and PE

  • Tokenized Incubator and PE, where anyone could become a LP and start making money on all of the companies we incubate.

All of these projects are interconnected and built for synergy between them, and all make use of the XIL token in some way.

How You Can Use the XIL Token in Our Ecosystem:

  • Buy and hold more than 50,000 XIL and receive free tokens/equity in every project we incubate. Projects typically allocate up to 2.5% of their total supply for this purpose, which will be distributed among XIL holders according to a vesting schedule. These tokens will be completely free of charge and you won’t need to sell your XIL to receive them.
  • Stake your XIL tokens and receive a percentage of the revenue from the projects we incubate. For example, those who staked for revenue sharing in our AI Hedge fund already received a 100% return on their XIL within 7 weeks, without even selling the tokens. The limit for staking was 50,000-1,000,000 XIL, so you could have staked $5,000 and received an additional $5,000 for free just by staking.
  • Use XIL to buy NFTs (e.g. L2E). Those who bought L2E DAO NFTs for 20,000 XIL ($200) have already received $750 in pure profit rewards for participating in quizzes sponsored by our partners (and also haven’t even sold the NFT itself!). The same logic applies to Amplifi, where you can use XIL to buy NFTs representing a percentage of top influencers' revenue (around 5%-10% of the NFTs will be available for purchase with XIL).
  • If you want to buy tokens in our incubated projects, you can get a 50% discount by holding XIL. For example, if you've received $1,000 worth of tokens for free, but you want to increase your allocation to $10,000, you can spend just $5,000 to get an allocation worth $10,000 by using XIL.

The XIL token has many utilities, and there are plenty of opportunities to make money by using or holding it every month. We believe that the current market price does not properly reflect the true value of XIL, and we believe that when market conditions improve (and a new bull cycle begins), we will be well-positioned to take advantage of it.

In the meantime, we are actively developing our ecosystem, launching new products, and providing users with regular earning opportunities. For example, even if the value of your XIL tokens hasn’t increased, you can still make a return on investment by staking them for Hedge, participating in L2E quizzes, buying a percentage of the influencers’ revenue in Amplifi, or staking to get a percentage of All Set’s revenue.

To summarize, our main goal for 2023 is to continue building and expanding our ecosystem, make all of the projects we incubate successful, and increase the valuation of each individual company (and Xillion as a whole). We believe our ecosystem is currently undervalued, and in 2023 we aim to change that while providing all token holders with as many benefits as possible.

Thank you for your support, and a special thanks to our OG token holders and community members. Together, we will make Xillion thrive. Happy New Year!

*And, last but not least, we have updated our website - feel free to check it out: https://xillion.one

About us

Xillion.one - a Web3 Tokenized Incubator that provides every XIL token holder with free tokens of every project it incubates.

We build projects from scratch and create synergy between them. We combine the VC and PE approach to building companies by growing their value and managing investor capital. We simultaneously operate as investors and founders to amplify the results.

| Website | Amplifi | Hedge DAO | All Set | L2E DAO | Twitter | Discord | Telegram |



Xillion by ProjectX

Xillion.one is a Web3 Tokenized Incubator that provides every XIL token holder with free tokens of every project it incubates.